Working smarter, not harder
Information can tell us everything. It has all the answers. But they are answers to questions we have not asked, and which doubtless don't even arise. - Jean Baudrillard
Knowing what question to ask is not straight forward. Our experience of services is defined by just a few key decision making moments. Being able to ask the right question at the right time, and being given the right options in response, drives both service efficiency and effectiveness.
Today with such huge amounts of information available our decisions are not any better informed. They are instead much more easily compromised. Instead of the volume of information, it is the quality of information available at the point of making decisions that is the most important factor in improving service provision.
Hidden patterns and unknown correlations
At Mortar we are continually growing our core framework with the aim of making it easier and more affordable to apply intelligent technologies. Our products and tools use a variety of different methods to implement predictive and behavioural analytics. The aim is to provide new insight into people's actions, revealing previously hidden patterns and unknown correlations to help design better services and to ensure that we are able to make more informed decisions.
Applying intelligence in the design of services is not just about trying to drive efficiencies, it is about looking for new ways in which users and customers can interact, revealing completely new touchpoints, triggers and risks, and transforming experiences, journeys and relationships.

Designing intelligent tools
This is why digitalising processes, and in particular applying intelligence to decision making, is so impactful. It is capable of driving incredible efficiencies in service provision, by making decision making more dynamic, transparent and equitable; raising completely different questions to be asked, and presenting totally new and alternative options in how services are best delivered.
At Mortar our framework applies intelligence, machine learning and automation to ensure large volumes of data are best utilised, but it is in finding and defining new purposes for applying predictive technology that we are capable of providing both users and key decision makers with the right tools to aid them in their journeys.
It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but a realizable plan. – Eugene Znosko-Borovsky