Intelligent User Pathways

For your services to deliver early and preventative forms of engagement your teams and officers need the best data and touchpoints to engage, inform and inspire their users. We co-create more efficient pathways into services with custom triage and referral tools that personalise experiences and support you in monitoring customer risk and success.

Digitalisation and accessibility

Service change and transformation is incredibly difficult.

Despite the benefits that 'moving online' and 'becoming digital' bring it requires specific and dedicated service design to ensure your service does not inadvertently alienate or exclude segments of its target users. Simply digitalising functions and processes that were previously delivered alongside in-person support has led to many services becoming more inaccessible, increasing the siloed activity of team members and departments as well as overall workload.

Most significantly, the costs associated with the impact of growing exclusion and the continual effort to transform digital systems and architecture has inflated costs inordinately.

The path to more intelligent services

With lead partners across local government, housing and health, Mortar has been creating scalable solutions for the service sector to more affordably adopt digital solutions and adapt them to meet their specific needs. Built using our cloud-based data and information framework, our Triage and Referral Tools offer an affordable way to conduct service design, supporting you in transitioning into more cost-efficient methods of service delivery.

We have focused our work on addressing the challenges faced by key 'front-door' operations, creating tools that support the delivery of user triage, assessment and referral. Enhancing the accessibility and quality of user experience at this stage drives the quality of the eventual outcome for your users; it also dictates the capacity of your service and its ability to reach those most at risk and in need of support.

It is essential that your users experience an accessible engagement and onboarding process and that their data is captured in an efficient and organised manner. Success at this early stage, with the right architecture for organising your data, paves the way for effectively applying automation and intelligence, and sustainably monitoring its impact.

An example user interface for managing and prioritising cases as part of the Referral Tool
An example triage question as part of the triage tool for capturing user data

Triage and referral in practice

Our tools support your specific needs regardless of the maturity of your organisation or existing digital situation. Our experience delivering scalable solutions with the Local Government Association has seen us working across large rural geographies, such as in Humber and Yorkshire, as well as densely populated urban areas such as in the city of Salford and the inner city borough's of London.

As a result of these experiences we built our tools to be easily customisable, enabling us to provide the tailored solution you, your users and your team need.

In Cheshire and Gloucestershire this involves us supporting the identification of young people at risk of exclusion from school, whilst across the UK our triage tool is helping to reach those experiencing digital exclusion in finding appropriate support and resources. We have begun working on tools that target the delivery of support for those at risk of losing their home, and we are working with the Greater London Authority to create better pathways into local area services for those experiencing financial hardship.

Get in touch

If you are interested in providing better access into your service through triage or referral tools please get in touch. Or, if you want to learn more about the design and implementation of these types of solutions, to reduce workload and create efficiencies within your team, let us know and we'd be happy to have a conversation about the best approach.

We would love to support you in evolving and transforming your services, and working to improve the quality of experience and outcome for your users, and look forward to hearing from you.